Wednesday 29 August 2012

R&B Divas Season 1 Episode 2: Monifah has more issues. Nicci casts for America's Next Fat Model - I meant Curvato

Nicci Gilbert's clothing line Curvato is good - I just feel it's wrong to celebrate obesity in a population that has high blood pressure, hypertension and heart disease. Nicci could have just promoted her clothing line instead of doing all this fat talk. So do check out her clothing line at


Nicci Gilbert says Skinny Don't Mean Pretty

Starts off with Nicci bleating like a sheep on the radio about her fashion for fat chicks. Who cares? Are you fat? Well I am and more than 60% of the population but I just don't like people telling me they are curvy when they are extra and some and some and some with a whole bucket of KFC.

Anyway she goes on about how she was sent to fat camp but the industry and it was like a punishment. You'd think it wasn't her choice. Moan, whine and moan and she finally found her true self after eating the last slice of Red Velvet Cake or at the bottom of the KFC bucket. Yum. So did I. Anyway love who you are but also try and be healthy. There is a difference between overweight, fat, obese and morbidly obese - so don't fool yourself.

Apparently they stapled Nicci's stomach or something. That's why I think doing gastric bands can be a waste of money. Anyway Nicci Gilbert in addition to not wanting to be a writer, director she is also self appointed spokeswoman of the curvy lady.

Whatever! The black community is dying of  hypertension, heart disease and some cancers linked to obesity - I don't have time to be supporting this trifling attitude of Oversize is beauty. There is fat then there is obese because I kept the KFC bucket to myself. My bad, but that's how I feel. 

America’s Next Fat Model

Nicci hold auditions for her first fashion show preview on Mothers Day. And for some reason she selects Syleena Johnson who she was beefing with last episode to end the show (remember Syleena bitching about Nicci's bossy's ways? I do but now they are best friends.). Anyway it's American Next Fat Model. Boy there did these women come from. Even the panel is shaking their head. Rachetness and home-made fat porno video stars come to mind. Whatever. That’s how many of those women looked. Nasty.

If these women's knees and joints could talk they would be suing these chicks for torture. Okay - it's past the big is beauty and its don't have the last grit, fried chicken or pot of macaroni cheese. Lawd Jesus Please! Don't kill yourself with food!

Keke Wyatt has words with Micheal in the Studio

Keke Wyatt is presently my favourite - don't ask me why I just take to her personality on the screen. This may not be case if I ever meet her. Any-road she's in the studio with her tag team partner Micheal.

They are having some friendly banter about how best for her to interpret the song when Keke goes into booth. Forget all the stuff she said about Micheal working her etc – it’s just banter.

Anyway Keke is doing her thing when some Miss Young Miss Honey steps gives Micheal something.

  I must have missed something but Keke blows up at Micheal. I didn't really see her problem but apparently the girl and Micheal where to close to comfort. Micheal says Keke was seeing things.  Micheal and Keke have a little domestic in the middle of the studio with everyone looking embarrassed.

So Keke is angry that Micheal implies she didn't see what she thought she saw. Which kinda seems it's like she's seeing things that are not there and therefore is paranoid and crazy. She ain't a happy bunny. Anyway her manager calms her down by saying that Micheal is just saying things to defuse the situation so it won't blow into a big thing. Seems to have the opposite effect. I'm with Keke on this thing. Sometimes people make out like you didn't see something so  you question yourself whether it was real or not. And it can drive you crazy.  It's like a version of mind games but not in mean way. Micheal thinks he may be trying to reassure Keke that the girl wasn't flirting but it's just having the opposite effect.

Keke says she has issues and is insecure (my words) then reveals her drama with her ex-husband. Wow! It's a hard situation and it seems she has something in common with K Michelle only she reacted. Anyway the girls meet up again and she tells them her story. She was at one time flying high with her career next thing she was virtually untouchable because she was the chick that stabbed that her husband. A bit like back in the day with late Left Eye taking matches and burning down her partner's house.

She confesses at times she hates being herself and behaving this way. She gets unhappy and is jealous of Micheal.

 Anyway girls compare notes and it seems that Faith had a hard time too. I only know about Faith's hard time in public eye. With the horrible death of Christopher Wallace Biggie Smalls Notorious BIG. Then the whole lil Kim drama and there was Baltimore too. Even now and again to get publicity Lil Kim swings Biggie Smalls names. Then there was the drama with his estate and bad boy records and the whole Puff Daddy/P Diddy saga. Not sure the story with Nicci Gilbert or Syleena Johnson. Oh Monifah, Monifah Carter, we are getting to the issues queen. And thought this show was boring.

Monifah Carter - the Queen of Issues.

I know Keke had major issues but she doesn't go on and on about them like Monifah does.

First Monifah had issues being gay/lesbian (well showing her lover off) and a former coke addict. Now her issues about being a parent. She is reconnecting with her daughter Akemi because the 'maternal' instinct didn't kick in instantly. She doesn't give details whether that's to do with the coke or lifestyle. I'm pretty surprised because last week when she went shopping with Faith for Keke's baby shower the way she behaved in the baby store I assumed she had no children. I was wrong.

Anyway a sweet pretty nineteen year-old Akemi comes to reconnect with Mama Monfiah. Of course all we hear is Monifah yaking about her depression, drinking and coke taking - and what a bad mother she was. Boring. Then at some point she is like I decided to live and you saved my life - she means her daughter. OK.

Her daughter is saved and has a serious relationship with God. Well good for her because we are all children of God. I can't believe this woman Monifah was worried about Keke and Micheal when it's her own child Akemi who starts with the verse and chapter and tells Monifah how immoral her lifestyle is. I shake my head. Seems Akemi found God when Monifah went for the rock and roll life style.

Silly Monifah then breaks it down saying it's the carnal - like the sex side Akemi has a problem with. I roll my eyes next she'd be saying cocaine was actually a vegetable product but somehow converted into white powder. It was that process she had a problem with. And if Monifah ever did weed she's be saying it was the drying that was the issue. This chick can spin a story round to save herself.

All I can say is that Monifah seems one of those chicks who swings which every side she fancies - so at some point she'd probably go looking for a man again. It seems that is new side is the lastest development. My dear readers I'm already tired of this heifer. All she does is whine and moan about one problem or the other.

Faith didn't choose that life and I'm sure Keke wasn't just playing with blades - she should have walked out long ago before it reached that situation. But drugs, depression and liquor, please. What about Joseline and Mimi who really had hard lives? Monifah tells us the daddy overdosed with smack/heroin at work. We all have hard lives to a degree. I do feel for Monifah but with watching rachett reality show
 all these women see to have the same story only they are richer than I am. For once can't they not use their childhood as some reason. However in the words of K Michelle - It's Monifah's story and she has a right to tell it. Only thing is I'm tired of hearing about it.

Then she goes further to tell us she’s being clean for a year and a couple of months. Just shows that Faith Adams and rest of the girls are good friends in extending this invitation to Monifah because she is still on the road to recovery. 

I think Monifah needs a stylist - the woman is stuck in a time wrap with all those eighties/nineties loud ghetto colours. I'm just saying. Too much. There is being an individual and then there is bad taste - and a fine line between both.

The fashion show and preview

There is a surprise in store with Faith Evan's daughter coming for the mother's day. Now Chyna is such a sweet girl and her shyness does come over on the camera. Behind that lies a very sensitive girl so well done Chyna and I hope she enjoys her freshman college year.

At the fashion show it was just Nicci yelling all the time trying to create some phony drama when there was none. Seems some of the panic was fake just to create tension because it's high unlikely that with the production things won't run on time. Jakeem was there as normal (like at Keke’s baby shower) carrying his behind up and down the stairs carrying out Madam Nicci's orders.

The clothes were nice so my show comments aside do check out Nicci Glibert's line

At the end the daughters gave a little speech - I liked Chyna but it seemed Brandi (Nicci Gilbert's daughter) was a little over competitive with her over-emotional tribute. And I didn't really understand Akemi's one. Well that's all folks. Still don't know. There was a bit of rachetness with the Fat Models work but the jury is still out on this show.

All pictures are copywrite of TV One

Tuesday 28 August 2012

Love And Hip Hop Atlanta Episode 11: The Reunion Part 1 - A bunch of timewasters Mimi is sharing Stevie J with Joseline, Erica Dixon needs a stylist, Rasheeda tries to hit K Michelle, Karlie refuses to tell her age , all women share their breast implant stories but deny having any butt implants.

Really? This was a waste of TV time. Ratchets, hoes and bitches with pimps. The reunion was about nothing again. It was the same old same old thing with no solid resolution. I'm only covering what I remember so for an in depth coverage of the 14 moments check out the VH1 blog.

The only person I've liked through out is Joseline because she has always seemed honest, straight and to the point. And she was the best dressed at the reunion. Somebody had cleaned up her ratchet style and called in a stylist.

 I'm not going into the horrible things said about Joseline because I don't have time and also I think it's due the fact she is muscular due to weight training and doing climbing (I think at one point she was a personal trainer) also she had her implants in a certain way they don't look right. It does irritate me with people carry on with the joke because it's unfair and hurtful. But then Joseline is the one cashing the checks so I doubt she cares that much.

Okay it opens with a thristy for attention Mona Scott hosting the fight pit - sorry I mean floor for the cast members. Erica Dixon is dressed like a street-corner hooker - what exactly was she wearing? Wasn't that some kind of underwear/lingerie? Pretty face but really she needed a stylist. The others all looked like off-duty hookers apart from Mimi who looked boring.

Anyway KMichelle starts bitching with Karlie. Karlie refuses to tell her age nor the age of her daughter because that will just us an idea of an age range for Karlie - maybe she has grey pubs downtown. The marching with Martin Luther King put down was a classic.And no she isn't signed to Cash Money but some complicated relationship with her manager working there makes it seem in a round about complicated Karlie way. Whatever.

Anyway since Karlie said she was hanging with Mimi back in LA we know she will be about forty or over.

Then Mona asks who has implants. K Michelle says her bottom is all hers, so does Karlie and Joseline - however all three says they have breast implants. For the record Mimi hasn't has any. Who really cares?

 Maybe Karlie wears butt pads. Even Joseline's rear behind looks odd on some occasions.

K Michelle and Rasheeda get messy about this Memphitz domestic violence situation with Rasheeda stepping up to fight however the security pulled her away.

At some point Scrappy, Erica, Stevie J and Erica share the stage. They talk about the fight. Now after watching Joseline punching Stevie J I know Erica Dixon is all mouth. She was probably just mouthing off because security was there. Even when they stood to fight I think it was all show.

The only thing was it seemed that fool Scrappy forgot he had a probation officer. We see him propose next week to Erica.

The famous threesome Mimi, Stevie J and Joseline.

The answer is YES and NO to the famous question. YES, Mimi is still seeing Stevie J as she gave a roundabout answer - he is the father of my child. And NO, Stevie J hasn't stopped seeing Joseline. I don't think any of us thought any different.

Stevie J did called Ariane a hater but I think maybe at some time she must have declined or gotten kicked off the Stevie J bus.

Joseline was doing the usually the mouthing off - she was there for his money and his private parts - well d&ck be precise. And it seemed none of the women wanted to marry him.

Though Stevie J said he wasn't the marrying kind. There is a strange side to Stevie J - he takes marriage vows seriously and since he can't commit to the vows he won't take them. That says a lot.  He also said he was insensitive to Joseline and he behave like a jerk. Don't worry Stevie we always knew you were a dick and jerk, we are just glad you realise too.

For an in depth coverage of the reunion read VH1 blog here.

Thursday 23 August 2012

R&B Divas Season 1 Episode 1: Baby Shower Drama

This show is different and focused more on real issues that women face. It's not as staged as others and I think that  may be a problem in keeping viewers interested. My review is a bit disjointed but I hope it will get better as I get a feel for the cast members.

The show follows a group of singers invited by Faith Evans to do a charity album. So it's a journey and the conflicts along the way.  I only know Faith Evans and Nicci Gilbert (actually shame on me because though I have two Brownstone albums I didn't know any of the singers names.) I don't know who Monifah, Keke Wyatt, and Syleena Johnson are.

The show was centred around throwing a baby shower for Keke Wyatt who is married to Michael with six kids , and Keke and Michael do EVERYTHING TOGETHER which later becomes a source of conflict in the group. I find Michael sweet but slightly immature in some things. He's training to be a minister so that will be interesting. From this show I do like Keke because though she comes over fussy and bossy she seems nice and pleasant.

The women decide to throw a baby shower for Keke and so the drama starts. Monifah who is openly gay decides to invite her lover but is uncertain of Keke and her husband's reaction since Micheal (Keke's husband) trainee pastor and whole family are like 'super Christians'. What exactly are ‘super Christians’? Shake my head already at this foolery – Monifah ,no cares who you are sleeping with! Monifah seems to be a whiner or complainer. Whatever it is - her sexuality, former coke habit - she just whines like Mimi Faust. Hopefully she'll prove this instant judgement wrong.

Anyway this is stupid and doesn’t make sense because I'm sure Keke would have heard Monifah was gay or at least heard rumours being in the industry so it's not a big deal. The music industry is full of gay people so I think this was one for the cameras.  Also Keke doesn’t look like a person that really cares about things that don’t concern her.

Soon enough we find that though Michael seems uncomfortable about Monifah's sexuality Keke doesn’t care. Keke was like some of my brothers are gay (something Michael would have known) and Michael couldn't really give her an answer. So I think the whole Monifah being gay was a non-event.

Nicci Gilbert former lead singer of Brownstone decides to take charge of the Baby Shower and in doing so shows her bossy side. She basically ordered her assistant the poor Jakeem around like a dog.
She complains that nothing is being done however clashes with Syleena Johnson who doesn’t like to go labour and get her hands dirty. Syleena Johnson  was like 'I'm a hostess,' then when on to complain how bossy Nicci was.

The baby shower was a success not much happened but they did show things to come.

The biggest issue was Michael being joined at the hip with Keke – they are like a tag team. I know us girls tend to find that very very very irritating when a friend’s boyfriend or husband is always there. However there reasons for it. Keke basically has trust issues and likes to keep her eye on Michael.

Keke speaks like her ‘trust’ issues are a badge of honour. Maybe she hooked up with a Stevie J type man.  On the other hand Michael adores Keke but seems to have dependency issues – so their issues balance/cancel out each other. The only problem would be if Keke ever got bored of Michael but they seem happy so far.

Other conflicts include Nicci Gilbert who just wants to sing backup. And as the former lead singer of Brownstone - that is not going to happen.  I think Nicci joined to show to reveal her other passions:  acting, directing and drama. She says though she is a talented singer she doesn't have any passion for it. Anyway the others don't see that way - and tell her use her gift.

One of the girls has financial issues and had to downgrade her lifestyle but I’m not sure which one. And early in the show we hear Monifah was addicted to cocaine but has being clean for some time. So there are a few struggles along the way these girls have overcome.

We all know Faith Evans went through so much publicly – even now people still talk about her late husband. Not only was she married and widowed very young (Christopher Wallace aka Biggie Smalls – Notorious BIG) she had to contend with people like Lil Kim and Baltimore talking about her late husband.

I’m not sure what past dramas Keke Wyatt (probably trust issues), Syleena Johnson or Nicci Gilbert has had but I’m sure it will be revealed along the way.

This first show was a bit slow. I do love singing and these women are amazing singers. Even Syleena Johnson doing the nursery rhyme was a treat and when she started to harmonise with another of the girls it was fantastic.

Faith Evans seems to be the calming mother figure - a bit like Shaunie O Neal but without the hood and rachet mentality.

All pictures are sourced and copywrite of TVone

Tuesday 21 August 2012

Love And Hip Hop Atlanta Episode 10: Finale - Stevie still goes with Mimi and Joseline, Benzino dumps Karlie, Scrappy and Erica do nothing, K Michelle is still the same. Nothing really happens.

Same format as last week I'm going via the story lines. It was a funny show but nothing really happened. It ended the same way it started.

The Love Triangle Mimi Stevie J and Joseline.

Group Therapy with Stevie J, Joseline and Dr Jeff.

Both Mimi and Joseline sit in therapy waiting for Stevie J who walks in wearing a 'I am God' shirt.

Okay. Mimi starts whining her same old story. Then she complains that Stevie is always down strip joints and clubs with Joseline and never goes out with her. Joseline shrugs invites Mimi to come along with them. Is that an offer to triple up to a threesome?

Stevie agrees with Joseline. At that point both Joseline and Steive J both thin  it was a good idea and didn't see Mimi's problem when she started to whine again. I'm so fed up I agree with them. Mimi keeps on going round in circles about the normal Stevie J story - I'm bored. This chick doesn't know what she wants.

Joseline tells it as it is. She says Stevie J will always be a liar, cheater and trying to have sex with other women. Joseline tells Mimi to accept Stevie for who he is. Stevie J looks sorry for himself like a lost puppy.

Again, I agree with Joseline. Joseline says once  Stevie takes care of her and gives her what she wants she is okay about it. Then she says Stevie J had sex with her best friend in her own bed - and she watched them.So now we understand that Stevie J may be into threesomes.

Dr Jeff is fed up of these three time-wasters  people and tells them this is their reality.

You are all crazy people!
 Mimi starts talking but Joseline cuts her short telling her Mimi has know him for 15 years so you should know what he's about. Mimi says nothing. Hmm was she just angry she wasn't invited to the Joseline and Stevie J party?

Stevie says it's his bus and his gas. He gives the chicks (Mimi and Joseline) opportunities to take control of their lives and make money. If they don't like it they can step off bus. Mimi still isn't saying anything. I bet she knew about this all the time. I guess what has Dr Jeff has achevied is that they all know where they stand with each other. 

Ariane meets Mimi in the salon.

At this point I'm thinking is Ariane just bitter because Stevie J never invited her to triple up with Mimi and himself into a threesome? Come on, there may have been an offer at some point -see how quiet Mimi suddenly went during the therapy?

Mimi starts to whine about Stevie J AGAIN saying he says she's on his bus and riding off his celebrity coattails. Mimi says she was made before she met him. I've switched off because Mimi is like a parrot just saying the same things over and over and over. This same old stuff since show 1 about if he loved her and how she is going to leave him. Yeah, right!

Ariane rolls her eyes asks what celebrity? She is looking tired, fed up and like she doesn't believe anything Mimi is saying. Ariane just goes along with it like she always. I bet even Ariane doesn't believe her. Mimi is just a size queen.

Joseline goes to the studio to meet Stevie.

Joseline is honest about the situation and seems to have grown up. She says was in love with Stevie J's  ideas and what he had for her but not the person he is. She says Stevie isn't really the kind of man she wants to be with however she'll continue to mix business with pleasure - basically have sex with him. 

Stevie brings a woman to studio with the hope of making Joseline jealous. This new chick looks like a two dollar hooker.

Joseline isn't impressed and says every opportunity Stevie gets he brings his beefcake out. He can't stop himself. Joseline's not bothered about this new chick. She knows what Stevie is about. Stevie J says he can ruin talent and fix talent. He is stupid.

SJ goes to Mimi's work place.

Same old some old talk. Mimi is like no no no for the cameras but we know that they still together.

Anyway Stevie gets serious and lays into her. He tells her he made her - gave her kid when everyone chucked her to way side. Is he saying Mimi was an industry groupie? What exactly is Stevie implying about Mimi's past. Joseline's past is open with no secrets - we all know she was an exotic dancer.

Then Stevie J walks away holding his crouch. For real? YES!

Final word on the triangle 

No real ending because Stevie J is still a male slut bucket - who will sleep with anything that has a hole, two tits and heart beat, Mimi still whining and Joseline is still riding high! There was not real conclusion other than it was still a love triangle and Stevie J was now sleeping with some new chick. I just hope the two women Joseline and Mimi  protect themselves with extra-strong condoms because this man is a walking sexual cesspit.

Erica and Scrappy

Erica's new crib.

Erica can now afford a new house with a nice kitchen. She has a chat with Scrappy about loving him as a person but not being in love with him. Scrappy yada yada yada too about nothing in particular - a few lies about not cheating and the whole thing just ends like at. I think they forgot the child support storyline.

 For real? What exactly are these two about? The ending is too simple after all the drama - it's like hassle over nothing. Now Erica giving the 'let's be great co-parent line'.

Scrappy says about his younger days and how much he loves her - you love me but you ain't in love with me. He says all he wanted was a family unit. What? For real?

It's a good ending but unbelievable given all the drama.

Scrappy and Shay

Then Scrappy meets with Shay - apparently he disappeared to Erica for a week. He says he loves Erica but can't be with her. He's doing the Stevie line - he loves both women. Foolery all round. He doesn't want to hurt her but what fuck?

She says he hurt her feelings Scrappy appologies and holds her hand. Whatever.

K Michelle and Erica

She meets K Michelle who is helps her choose stuff for her new house - it's pretty hard to believe it's hers though. She says she is dating some italian man. K Michelle just wants to know about the size of the man's sausage.

K Michelle is like what if you spend all that time and sausage is minute? K Michelle does have a point. Erica says she needs to know more about a man before she sleeps with him. Maybe she learnt that lesson from being with Scrappy.


Erica moves into a huge house and Scrappy is back home with his Mama Dee. It seemed a storyline that followed a scripted because the ending was just too easy and neat. I can't explain what I mean however good luck to both of them or should I say three.

K Michelle and her drama

After the talk about saugages sizes K Michelle thanks Erica for being a good friend then goes on to bash Rasheeda saying: 'This thing looks me in my eyes and her bags were like this.'

Erica tells  K Michelle that Rasheeda is in a difficult position. KM isn't listening but E tells her to put her shoulders back and be an adult about it. For some reason she listens to Erica.

Rasheeda and K Michelle meet in a bar.

It's the same old same old. Rasheeda justifies what she said by saying she knows all of them (the Wrights) and a little of K Michelle. Nothing changes apart from K Michelle keeps her anger in check and does not threw any cultery, punches or even abuse.

KM concludes 'I'm an open book but not a clean slate - a work in progress.'

Kalie and Benzino - the irrelevants.

Karlies meets some boy rapper in a bar.

Karlie meets up with some unknown ATL wannnabe rapper called Roscoe Dash who looks barely legal and about 10 years old. Is that orange juice he is drinking?  I'm done with this old heiffer going on about about her career and Benzino.

Who gives a fuck! The old rachett aka Karlie calls her situation complicated and acts sweet sixteen with some yobbo who is still wet behind the ears.

Does this Roscoe Dash boy even have pubic hair? He stinks jail bait.

Sleazo seems Benzino at work to talk about love.

Sleazo Stevie goes to see his boy Benzino in his office. They talk about Karlie - who really care? He wants to give her the ring. Really?

Bezino confides in Stevie that he has issues. Stevie J is confused and asks like what? Stevie J is a simple man when it comes to women. All does is have sex.  Bezino tells him it's about trust. Slevie shakes his head and nearly chokes on the word Trust. Trust is such a dirty word to him he calls it the 'T' word. The word trust doesn't exist in Stevie J's dictionary.

Bezino whines about Karlie doing late night studio work and he heard she is messing about with other men. Uncle Stevie doesn't even understand where Bezino is coming from. Karlie just seems a female version of Stevie J by the sounds of it. Stevie J just can't relate to Benzino.

Benzino take Karlie to give her the ring.

This looks staged - like a corner in a studio was just prepared for this scene.

Bezino proposes and then changes his mind because when Karlie comes at him - about is he sure and she doubts him.

 Benzino then takes back the ring.  OMG! Are they serous? Karlie mouths off saying she made Benzino relevant again by going with him. Who cares. Both are opportunists.

Bezino is always twitter posting half naked pictures of himself in the gym or bathroom and  and Karlie Redd does the the booty magazines rounds. 

So I'm over it. Both are irrelevant.

Anyway Zino is like this isn't working and dumps her. Yes dumps her behind on national TV. He says karlie has doubts but so did he. Karlie is left alone in restaurant sucking on strawberry.

  Was this relationship ever real?

Karlie then moves on to jail bait Roscue Dash and talks more about her career. AGAIN. As much as I enjoyed it I feel the Benzino-Karlie Redd relationship was a jump-off one night stand extended for the show.

Rasheeda and Kirk

No comment becuase at this point I'm past caring about this show.

Sunday 19 August 2012

Love and Hip Hop Atlanta - Rasheeda's tweeter statement to K Michelle - what they could have said..

A bit of fun here. I thought why not just clean up Rasheeda's tweeter statement to KMichelle. It's very hood but here it is....

Here is my reply! I find it real sad how this desperate rat Fake.Michelle can’t keep my name out her mouth. It’s sad how a person wants sympathy but every word & gesture out of her mouth is slapping a bitch and whooping a bitch ass.

 First, when you see Toya you gone slap her on site (YEAH RIGHT), then you threaten to whoop Kandi ass but when you seen her at the hair salon you was quiet as a mouse. Now, today u have another interview out claiming your only regret was you wish you would of slapped the shit outta me & hit me with a 1/2 punch. That alone should make people question your character. All of our careers Me, Kandi & Toya we have been nothing but positive women to the public. Everything you say is violent. You keep preaching about being abused but threatening to abuse others. You hit Karlie in the head with some silverware, she should of pressed charges against your ass. But my point here is, we are witnessing you physically & verbally abusing several women via interviews, blogs & twitter bullying and it’s a sad ass shame for someone who is claiming to be a victim. You’re playing the public trying to make them think you were abused but we know that story has a lot of holes in it. So, the police came to the hotel and seen you beat & abused like you telling the world and didn't lock up a black man in Memphis, TN???? Bitch please, where they do that at! You claiming you didn't want to press no charges, but they would of took that into there own hands by law. Its a shame you trying to sell this old ass story but keep threatening to hurt others in the process. The sad part is the media & the fans have to wait and continue to watch you self-destruct while everybody else already know the truth about you. Sorry ya'll! As far as any woman who has been a victim of domestic violence my heart goes out to you all and I wish you nothing but the best but this chick right here is a FUCKING FRAUD!! 3h

What Rasheeda could have said (might need a good publicist though...):

 I am appalled and saddened by my co-cast member (in Love and Hip Hop Atlanta) K.Michelle Pate involved my name in a grave situation where she made serious allegations against a mutual acquaintance. It has also come to my knowledge that in a few media interviews she has been alleged to physically threatened me and others.

I am deeply disappointed about this and it is my sincere hope that Ms Pate can overcome her problems and perhaps seek help she seems in need of. All violence is unacceptable and cannot be condoned - be it domestic or not.

I wish Ms Pate the best in her future endeavours and I want to thank my family and fans for all their support in what has been a difficult period. Thank you all once again and God Bless.

What K Michelle could have said (might need a good publicist though...):

First, I would like to thank God for allowing my family, friends and fans to support me through this difficult time. I would also like to thank Love and Hip Hop Atlanta and Saving Our Daughters for giving me an opportunity and a voice to speak against this serious matter. Domestic Violence.

I am deeply saddened by the responses I have gotten from certain people who have no prior knowledge of my past and have decided to judge me based on hearsay and rumours. This was a serious situation that has had devastating effects on my person, family and career. And I think it is my right to speak out against it and not be victimised or slandered on various social media networks.

Ms Buckner (aka Rasheeda) points out to my interviews and saying certain things against her and other people. Again I am disappointed at this attitude as it was meaningless 'heat of the moment' interview banter. As most within the entertainment industry know it is an extremely easy and common to get heated in interviews depending on the set-up. Most public and entertainment personalities have said things in the heat of the moment which later on they may not be proud of - I am only human and no different. At no one time did I mean harm to anyone.

Once again this is my story and I would never wish what I went through on anyone else. If I can help just one person it will be worth it. It is my most sincere hope to encourage other victims of violence (not just domestic) to stand up, speak out and seek help. You are not alone! Thank you once again for giving me the opportunity to address this serious matter and God bless you all.

Tuesday 14 August 2012

Love And Hip Hop Atlanta Episode 9: Mimi, Joseline and Stevie J still at it, KMichelle talks to Rasheeda, Karlie keeps on about a nonexistant career to an fed up Bezino!

This is show is one hot mess! Well an entertaining hot mess. It's so messy that even I have given up insulting them because most of the characters are lost causes and I've left out Doormat Kirk and Rasheeda's lovey dovey dinner.


Stevie J, Mimi and Joseline

We get to the aftermath of the punching session where Joseline is yelling and screaming her lungs out telling them to leave her alone.

Later, Mimi confesses to Dr Jeff that she lied about the Stevie and her in the house and said it to get a reaction. And boy did she get one - Stevie J was punched smack in the face.  Dr Jeff talks about Mimi compromising her position - what position is that? Anyway Mimi tells the Dr Jeff she'll love to hear Joseline's story. Isn't it simple? Stevie went to the strip club and broke the no touching rules.

He seduced Joseline and told her he could make her a star. End of  Joseline story.

Anyway Joseline is crying real tears and gives her version about Sleazo always coming back to beg her. He tells her he loves her blah blah blah but he's a player, liar and cheater. She has the same old line - bad childhood, bad parenting and bad everything hence Stevie J is her knight, hero and lover.

Isn't it strange that both Mimi and Joseline were independent at 13 - looking after themselves? Truth is stranger than fiction. Dr Jeff knows it's a lost cause but he plays along and finally get the women to say they are going to move from Stevie J. Really? I doubt it.

Joseline hunts Stevie J down at Benzino

Later on Joseline not having heard from Stevie goes to hunt him down at Benzino's house. Would you talk to someone who has just punched you out?  It appears Casa Benzino is a frat house - where Stevie and Benzino bang their sidelines Karlie and Joseline Ewww.

Benzino opens the door to Joseline in her off-duty stripper clothes and tells he Stevie J isn't there. It is surprising she hasn't heard from him since the punch up?

Joseline goes on about having sex with Stevie in the next room - she actually points the direction. I bet Bezino is thinking why am I dealing with these deluded people?

Anyway Benzino tells her there is a difference between having sex and making love. Joseline is like she and Steive J do it all. I agree with Benzino because there is a difference but I don't think Joseline knew what he was getting at.

Anyway Benzino cuts it short telling her he doubts she is going to leave and she can't separate sex (love) from business - wasn't that what she doing while dancing? Selling an illusion of sex?

 Joseline disagrees and says that it's Stevie J that can't do it. She misses Benzino 's point again - what he's telling her is that she doesn't need to give in to Sleazo. If one person says no that's it.

Then Joseline goes into details about sex with Stevie J and not using condoms. Too much information even Benzino seem embarrassed. He doesn't know where to look.

Which  man wants to know how Stevie J and Joseline go about it? So he tries to close this conversation by telling her she loves Stevie J. This encourages Joseline who just replies how isn't she  sure it's just the d$ck is good. Benzino still cringing can't even keep a straight face and tells her that is a kind of love. Joseline is like she can probably find someone who can lay it down like that. Is Joseline a size queen? Is Mimi also? What sort of sex does Stevie give. I mean Eve managed to put it behind her.

Benzino tells her that Stevie J cares about both of them and that how it is. Joseline next time she there will be not punching just talking at theray - Zino is like that's the point of therapy.

Joseline and Karlie go rock climbing

They bond over having sex at Bezino's house. Isn't Karlie suppose to be Mimi's friend? I guess she's swapped sides. Joseline tells Karlie about the therapy session and how Stevie is still her manager but she'll have sex with him when she wants. Am I the only person who sees Karlie's love handles? or Fabby sides?


 She also feels played by Mimi because how could Mimi and Stevie J be living together when she was with Stevie J at Benzino's house. Karlie is surprised about the therapy season then talks about Benzino and how good the sex is with Benzino showing us what she means with a bottle.

Is this what Bezino is really after?
 Strip Joint with Stevie J and Benzino

Stevie J and Benzino are in strip club and Sleazo is telling his homie Benzino that at some point he, Mimi and Joseline will all work together? - while stuffing dollars down a stripper's butt.  Is that the same club Joseline used to work at? Is Stevie looking for another star?

 Stevie J says they (him, Mimi and Joseline)  just need one more session to come together as one - triple up to a threesome, maybe? Ultimate male fastasy.  Bezino is unconvinced. He talks about No Career Karlie and Stevie says but doesn't he love her? Benzino points out that his love is different from Stevie's love. Stevie says there is only one love.

Bezino meets Mimi 

Benzino decides to meet up with Mimi because he's known her for a long time.  Has she lost weight? She looks a lot more streamline than before. Apparently Benzino wants to be neutral - was this thought before or after he allowed Stevie J and Joseline to have sex (without a condom - raw dogg) in his house. How is that neural?

Mimi starts to whine again about being a made a fool of. I'm not too sure what she wants but Benzino becomes a comedian and tells her she is always upset and barking. He tells her it could be worse. How do we know it's not?

This just annoys Mimi who just goes into whiny Mimi mode. Benzino is to fight with kindness - is he for real? Anyway Mimi just continues about being a made a fool of and everyone walking over her. There is a solution to that - leave Stevie J alone but apparently not the one she wants.

The Bezino really blows it big time by calling Mimi - Joseline. Mimi lets him have it with her yada, yada yada... You can see Benzino looks like a man defeated. He's probaly thinking how does Stevie put up with all this!

Scrappy and Erica

Erica meets up with Dumbo Scrappy about what KMichelle told her about Shay. Scrappy is all lies and saying that Shady Shay is just a friend. Yeah, right. If Shay/Buckey had being friends with Scrappy for five years shouldn't Erica at least know of her? I'm not talking like in your face - but at least Erica should know Scrappy has a best friend called Shay?

Erica doesn't believe him but then she goes to say he has a pattern of doing this which leads to the question how many times has this happened?   We know Erica wants him back when she saying Scrappy is texting her about love and wanting to go back. Then the ultimate blackmail to get a man back she starts to cry and brings their daughter into it.  Saying how does Imani feel about it for Scrappy to treat her mother like that.

Listen, Erica, you shield your child and just make sure you and that fool Scrappy are good parents. Just because Scrappy is a immature with women does not mean he's a bad father. Goodness know what she is feeding that child's head with. I shake my head. Erica real hold on Scrappy is their child together not the fact he loves or doesn't love her. He's just an overgrown kid who needs to grow up and he will if given the space - still a moron though.

Dumbo Scrappy now feels because Erica is crying she really loves him. She is doing emotions according to him. It's these things that make me say Scrappy is dimwit and a moron. She was probaly told by the producers she needed to try to get sympathy. They all cry even hardcore Chrissy Lampkins and Olivia cried.

Mama Dee and Scrappy

Like her or hate her I agree with Mama Dee. Crappy is too immature to settle down and should focus on dating till he's sure about what he wants. He is a bit like the Royce Reed of the show and what Erica said he can't be alone. This way things get very messy.

He tells his mother about Erica and wanting to go back. Mama Dee tells him to move on - she calls Erica a bitch - B.I.C.T.H - her spelling but Scrappy is like don't call her a bitch that's my babymomma.  Even Mama Dee is tried of Scrappy's trifling behind. He tells his mother he was happy with Diamond but it didn't last so he doesn't think he's a good judge of character - he doesn't know what good girl friend material is. Mama Dee tells him to date.

 Mama Dee uses street and gangsta words but essentially all she said was Scrappy needed to date women and let the women all know he was dating. Then after some time he would know what he wanted.  Scrappy is the Royce Reed of the show - always jumping from one relationship to another looking for love and affection.

Right now Erica is using his daughter as a carrot in front of a donkey. What if some other chick go pregnant how  will Erica control him. He needs to date and probably in a few years time he'll be good to settle.

Benzino and Kalie Redd

Bezino and Karlie need to get over this career business - she has no career! Cast careers in no order:

Karlie Redd??????? What The F$£k does she do?

Rasheeda - rapper,
Scrappy - rapper,
K Michelle (singer/songwriter),
Joseline (former/ex exotic dancer/stripper - now new artist)
Karlie Redd??????? What The F$£k does she do? 
Benzino (publishing executive/rapper)
Stevie J (producer/songwriter/musician)
Mama Dee (former nurse/pimp)
Erica Dixon (Healthcare professional)
Mimi Faust (Business woman - professional & residential cleaning)
Karlie Redd??????? What The F$£k does she do?

Even Bezino says 'You eat, drink, sleep, text and beep (sh&t) your career!' Again what I'm like what career? Let's face it he just likes her between the bedsheets.

Karlie tells Benzino he had angry and is jealous

We see Benzino cooking dinner for Kalie. She comes in dressed like she'd just worked the block and coming to give daddy pimp her returns.

 Kalie accuses Benzino of having anger management problems. That Benzino is always angry. She Benzino does some Incredible Hulk like expressions and I think maybe she has a point. But then he is probably just frustrated about this non-existent career talk - I know I am.

They argue over nothing then she says he is also jealous and that he has a big ego. She is talking about all those pictures of his abs?

We find out Karlie has lied about some studio session that Karlie did with some man. Benzino says he said it was some Jamaicans but it was a Trinidadian. Karlie is like Caribbean is Caribbean. The woman is shady and ignorant - it's like me saying American is American (but counting all of South America, Canada and the USA).

The problem is Benzino likes Karlie because she looks hot, sexy and he likes to f%&k her. He also know that what most men want Kalie for - sex!

K Michelle and her story

We all know KMichelle has being slinging mud about this situation. It's gathered a lot of momentum that even Memphitz broke his silence as the alleged man in the K Michelle drama and  Toya Wright and Rasheeda have come out battling on twitter. She is right about no one was there but for this purpose we'll stick the show's story.

Side note: The K Michelle situation - these allegations are very serious and the only people who know the truth are Memphitz Wright and K Michelle Pate. It's an unfortunate and sad situation.

Raheeda and Erica go support KMichelle at a charity Saving our Daughters gig. Rasheeda voices her concerns over this situation - ya'll know it's Memphitz K Michelle is accusing. Rasheeda says K Michelle brings it up all the time and she has being avoiding talking about it because the wife (Toya Wright) is one of her close friends.

However at some point she'll need to talk to KMichelle about it. This is what I think. Off-camera in private conversation it didn't matter what KMichelle said about this to Rasheeda however in front of viewers wrong or right Rasheeda needs to take a stand. She obviously has talked to Memphitz about it who denies it so she's not sure.

However both Erica and Rasheeda agree that it's time K Michelle moves on from this business.

 KMichelle does her recital and wears a wedding dress

KMichelle comes out in a wedding dress and gives a monologue about how her abuser came in form of her record deal and things turned sour.

 Hard Erica starts to cry and wipes her tears but Rasheeda isn't really sure and looks uncomfortable.

At the end of the performance KM runs from the stage and starts to cry. She says she is healing but not sure if this before or after she twittered about knocking Toya Wright out.

KMichelle meets with Rasheeda

She meets up with Rasheeda and talks about it. Rasheeda is dreading it because the Wrights (Toya and Memphitz) are her real friends where as K Michelle is someone is kinds of know but is developing a relationship with.

Michelle starts off saying all she wants is an apology but then Rasheeda asks what if Memphitz didn't do it. Michelle goes crazy about saying no one was there when it happened.

 All she wants is an apology and unacknowledged that it happened.  She starts to cry, yell and point at Rasheeda. She is quite rude and insulting to Rasheeda but Rasheeda just leaves it and is quiet. It's an emotional situation and there is no point in making it worse. and then walks off.

Whew, does this make sense to anyone?

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